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我列其中一小部分... ... 2 00:00:34,300 --> 00:00:37,367 Legend tells of a legendary warrior 3 00:00:37,400 --> 00:00:40,167 Whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend 4 00:00:41,367 --> 00:00:44,200 He traveled the land in search of worthy foes 5 00:00:55,167 --> 00:00:58,167 I see you like to chew Maybe you should chew 6 00:00:58,200 --> 00:00:59,467 on my face! 7 00:00:59,500 --> 00:01:03,533 The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full 8 00:01:03,567 --> 00:01:05,800 then he swallowed 9 00:01:06,000 --> 00:01:07,400 and then he spoke 10 00:01:07,433 --> 00:01:09,333 enough talk! Lets fight! 11 00:01:13,400 --> 00:01:17,000 He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind 12 00:01:17,033 --> 00:01:19,300 from over exposure to pure awesomness 13 00:01:21,367 --> 00:01:24,133 Attractive How can we repay you? 14 00:01:24,167 --> 00:01:27,100 There is no charge for awesomness 15 00:01:27,133 --> 00:01:29,000 or attractiveness 16 00:01:31,033 --> 00:01:35,700 It mattered not how many foes he faced they were no match for his bodacity 17 00:01:47,567 --> 00:01:50,733 Never before had a panda been so feared 18 00:01:50,767 --> 00:01:52,500 and so loved 19 00:01:52,533 --> 00:01:56,133 even the most heroic heroes in all of China 20 00:01:56,167 --> 00:02:01,100 The furious five bowed in respect to this great master 21 00:02:01,133 --> 00:02:03,067 We should hang out 22 00:02:03,100 --> 00:02:04,433 Agreed 23 00:02:07,300 --> 00:02:09,233 but hanging out would have to wait 24 00:02:09,267 --> 00:02:13,500 because when you are facing that 10,000 demons of the demon mountain 25 00:02:13,533 --> 00:02:16,267 ... There is one thing that matters and that's 26 00:02:17,167 --> 00:02:19,267 Po! Get up!! 27 00:02:27,300 --> 00:02:29,333 You be late for work ... 這網有齊整個英文對白...