comment of the Gini line in Hong Kong
- 台中縣市 高中職 電機科 電工科 20點
- 計算人身保險月繳改年繳的問題
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- Stamp fee-
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- 我想問大窩口去長亨搭咩車好---_0
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You should mean the Gini coefficient. According to KWOK Kwok Chuen (2010). "Income Distribution of Hong Kong and the Gini Coefficient". The Government of Hong Kong, China., he claims income Gini index for Hong Kong has been high (0.434 in 2010), in part because of structural changes in its population. Over recent decades, Hong Kong has witnessed increasing numbers of small households, elderly households and elderly living alone. The combined income is now split into more households. Many old people are living separately from their children in Hong Kong. These social changes have caused substantial changes in household income distribution. Income Gini coefficient, claims Kwok, does not discern these structural changes in its society. Household money income distribution for the United States confirms that this issue is not limited to just Hong Kong. According to the US Census Bureau, between 1979 and 2010, the population of United States experienced structural changes in overall households, the income for all income brackets increased in inflation-adjusted terms, household income distributions shifted into higher income brackets over time, while the income Gini coefficient increased. I also suggest that you read: http://www.hkeconomy.gov.hk/en/pdf/box-12q2-5-2.pdf Here addresses the Gini coefficient of Hong Kong: trends and interpretations