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Stamp fee?
I would like to change my mortgage plan, I understand the lawyer's fee is around HKD5k but I don'tknow much about the stamp fee. Is the stamp fee based on the current value of the property or on the buying price? Please help to clarify! Thank you!!!!! 恭喜發財!! 更新: I would like to further check if the cost of mortgage plan. For example lawyer fee =HKD5k stamp duty= HKD1.1m x 0.75%= HKD8,250.00 the total cost is around HKD12k, the cost is too huge!! Please help to clarify if stamp duty really be included. thanks
唔好介意,英文唔好.... stamp duty:係計算買入價的:計算表如下 $ 1-$1,000,000 $100 $1,000,001-$1,080,000 $100+超逾$1,000,000款額的10% $1,080,001-$2,000,000 0.75% $2,000,001-$2,176,470 $15,000+超逾$2,000,000款額的10% $2,176,471-$3,000,000 1.50% $3,000,001-$3,290,320 $45,000+超逾$3,000,000款額的10% $3,290,321-$4,000,000 2.25% $4,000,001-$4,428,570 $90,000+超逾$4,000,000款額的10% $4,428,571-$6,000,000 3.00% $6,000,001-$6,720,000 $180,000+超逾$1,000,000款額的10% $6,720,001 3.75% 希望幫到你!!!
if only a refinancing transaction, there is no need to pay stamp duty.34CDDE348BEB263C