f4 ratio+rate+proportion問題!
Three jars were full of three separate kinds of fruit juices A,B and C. The first jar contained 240ml of A, the second 420ml of B, and the third 540ml of C. The jars were later emptied and the juices after mixing were put emptied and the juices mixing were put back into jars. How many ml of each kind of juice would... 顯示更多 Three jars were full of three separate kinds of fruit juices A,B and C. The first jar contained 240ml of A, the second 420ml of B, and the third 540ml of C. The jars were later emptied and the juices after mixing were put emptied and the juices mixing were put back into jars. How many ml of each kind of juice would be found in the third jar? 其實我係唔多明佢d英文up咩- - 請附上詳細steps,最好用中文啦~ 要用f4 standard做 唔該哂!
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容量分別為240ml , 420ml 及 540ml 的罐子分別盛載著果汁 A , B , C。 把它們倒出混合,再倒回三個罐子後, 問第三個 (540ml) 的罐子含有A,B,C各種果汁量各有多少?解 :混合液中各果汁比重 A : B : C = 240 : 420 : 540 = 4 : 7 : 9設 第三個 (540ml) 的罐子含有A,B,C各種果汁量分別是 A ml , B ml 及 C ml :則 A : B : C = 240 : 420 : 540 = 4 : 7 : 9 ..........(1) A + B + C = 540 ........................................(2)由 (1) , 可設 A = 4k , B = 7k , C = 9k , 代入(2) :4k + 7k + 9k = 540 20k = 540 k = 27A = 4*27 = 108 B = 7*27 = 189 C = 9*27 = 243第三個 (540ml) 的罐子含有A,B,C各種果汁量分別是 108 ml , 189 ml 及 243 ml.