I want to find a place to live , $5000 a month ...
Hello, I am deciding to move out with my boyfriend.He works in Sha tin, I in Central. I want to find a area is more convenience for us.My following requests : 更新: Need a carpark area . -Not noisy .If country side nearby got shopping centre will be nice. -Not far from the transport . If necessary by foot can reach there by 5-10 mins will be very nice. 更新 2: -2-3 rooms ,1kitchen, bath room , living room .400-600'sq.ft.will be nice. -Below $6000 rent a month will be necessary.(Including Serciruty charges will be perfect) -Got good sercurity.Good facilities. 更新 3: -"NEED TO BE CLEAN IN THE HOUSE"( Hope you guys get what i mean by this) -IF RENOVATED WILL BE NICE. -No water leaking problems. -No cockcroach, ants , bugs or flies...etc. -Got lift.Private buliding will be nice. 更新 4: -Good and clean conditions of area , provides sufficient light will be necessary. -Warm in winter , cool(not very hot will be ok) in summer. -Area to hang wet clothes after washing.cheap laundry shop will be perfect. 更新 5: Well these are my needs currently , maybe some of the points I'd left, anyways I hope anyone could help me . We decided to move after February. Hope my requests are not over loaded.^_^ Cheers!!
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第一城啦. 價錢又岩妳. 佢地既細單位 395 - 410 呎. 有裝修同冇裝修價錢都差幾遠 ka. 約由 $4200 起至 $6500 不等. 呢道 D 細單位聽落好似好細咁. 其實唔係 ka. 因以前 D 樓, 實用面積較均真嘛. 唔似得依家 D 新樓. 得番6成. 故室內可用面積都 ok 啦. 395 呎本來有2間房既. 但依家多數業主已打成1房. 故房內面積好夠使. 如妳去睇樓, 睇1至32座個 D 啦. 冇窗台, 唔會食咁 D 屋裡面 D 位嘛. 而且 1至32 座大堂已翻新. 幾靚幾光鮮 ka. 第1至4座既細單位更加有河景 tim. 呢邊 D 就較搶手 lak. anyway, 搭車方面. 如妳返中環, 可搭 88R. 由總站開車, 一定有位坐. 中間完全唔兜路 ka la. 直出灣仔, 金鐘及中環.
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