- Billion and Trillion
- 西九龍學溜冰!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 應收未開立發票收入認列有錯
- 典當手錶去哪 比較安心- `-_6
- 祖沖之的遭遇
- 一家人去宿營(15點)
- Combination problems X2!
- 天文!!!!!!!!急!!!!!!!!
- 請問從台中西屯騎車到大甲龍泉里路線?
- 有關電費計算的問題~請計算電費高手幫我解答^^
紐約有什麼國際認受性高,&學費又不太貴的大學? How about Monro colleague? Thank a lot!
Here are the recommendations of good universities in New York with relatively low tuition fees: [ranking is based on QS World University Ranking] State University of New York at Binghamton - Estimated tuition fees + living expenses: US$33140 = HK$258492 - World University Ranking: 501-600 State University of New York at Buffalo - Estimated tuition fees + living expenses: US$28706 = HK$223906.8 - World University Ranking: 401-500 State University of New York at Albany - Estimated tuition fees + living expenses: US$28053 = HK$2188133.4 - World University Ranking: 501-600 Stony Brook University - Estimated tuition fees + living expenses: US$24548 = HK$ 191474.4 - World University Ranking: 173 hope these information can help you
紐約有什麼國際認受性高,&學費又不太貴的大學? How about Monro colleague? Thank a lot! You want famous and cheap, that's like 2 opposite thing....... If you want famous you would aim for NYU, but then it's a private university, so it is mighty expensive. If you want cheap but have some degree of fame, try CUNY, it is a public university with some degree of success, my cousin is studying in CUNY right now.31C9A75CB3B14398