M4 -CQB, 金弓好定DBOYI 好
M4 -CQB電鎗, 兩隻牌子比較, 金弓嘅好定DBOYI嘅 好 更新: 金弓個隻是否全 metal, dboy 係全 metal 請講講好處在那 ? (性能 or 耐用) 更新 2: dboy model BI-3981 , 金弓 model JG 6617 更新 3: Thanks for your details, i just a new player to wargame / CQB and feel interest in it by now. So, by now no idea to buy what kind of my own gun to play . But I feel M4 was so smart If out of M4 which one would better Have you play many time in wargame / CQB, where you play ? 更新 4: i check in 廣華街, 金弓 seem only MP5 have metal body, others are all plastic. Is the plastic body not easy broken ? as advised by the shop 唐番九, THE POWER OF JG IS 底邊力, It will not be allowed to use to play in public wargame unless privite. So, there would no use to play in wargame.
金弓!!!!!JG!!!!!! DONT USE D-BOY!!!金弓 X M4 X GOOD!~~~~~~ 2008-03-07 18:00:40 補充: Ok,If the all metal one is 6kg.So,the not all metar one is > than 6kg and have the same power like the metal one.I want to use the>6kg one.To me ,the metar is use to protect the heart of the rifle or you can sall the spirit of the rifle. .rifle = gun 2008-03-07 18:03:56 補充: Oooo,do you have some wargame戰術????? help me! 2008-03-08 01:51:29 補充: Use a gun that useful to you,wargame have big map and some small map..... use a gun that you like and same uesful to you.....big gun is too big in wargame and too small is not inlove power to you........chuse a perfect gun ned time ...or maybe M4 -CQB is not a good gun for you after all!? 2008-03-08 01:59:54 補充: tall my about you.....or I can gave you so........... 2008-03-08 10:10:34 補充: mmm,I see..........buy金弓金弓金弓!!!!!!!!!! 2008-03-08 12:47:11 補充: 1 M4,2 G36 or G36 C,5,3 Scar-l ,4 XM-8 ,5 AK47 or AK74 2008-03-08 12:47:16 補充: M4((M4 S-system M4-CQB........)) Scar-l is a new gun in wargame ,So,I dont no is it good or bad...... My fd have a new XM-8 ...but it dammage in one day playing wargame........ I dont live to use AK guns....COME ON.....its make in 1949!!!!!!!!Too old to me! 2008-03-08 12:54:06 補充: I play wargame in 2005.........the frist time I play wargame,my fd have a XM-8...but...you no!''' I buy a M4 S-system in XX/02/2008........Its COOL.....but my ACOG is........dammage.... I play wargame 5 time...come on ...I am 15!!!! If you buy a ACOG!!!!....look after it!!!!! 2008-03-08 12:55:01 補充: Ooooo.I am good at play wargame!!!!!!!! 2008-03-08 12:57:37 補充: not play...is playing 2008-03-08 13:11:40 補充: I live M4 S-system....not M4-CQB 1.bigger ,but not too big and have big power......JG's M4 S-system a powerfoll thoe D-Boy's 2.easy too use! 3.I like hie shooting point and hiting point! 4.U.S. Army use it........some time...... 2008-03-08 13:11:57 補充: not live....LIKE 2008-03-08 13:12:40 補充: not hie...HIS 2008-03-08 13:13:37 補充: not hiting ......HITTING 2008-03-08 13:15:38 補充: And easy to + ACOG.......M203............. 2008-03-10 17:02:30 補充: ........I am in school,how can I waht you!!! however..go to: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!Z4qh.1KRA0D2IULWzdSj.g--/article?mid=573&prev=905&next=565&l=f&fid=23 2008-03-10 17:03:19 補充: wath ont WAHT!
D-Boy會自動脫落...自從買左D S-system後後悔 金弓實D,應該會好些少 不過金弓槍最好買番G36家族,果支換野方便