i am going to the community college,but i dont know which one should i pick !i am thinking foothill cc,Seattle central cc,santa monica college,,shorline,,,have someone think their cc is really good for study?can anyone give some suggests to me? my first choice is foothill....i dont know i should go to the... 顯示更多 i am going to the community college,but i dont know which one should i pick ! i am thinking foothill cc,Seattle central cc,santa monica college,,shorline,,, have someone think their cc is really good for study?can anyone give some suggests to me? my first choice is foothill.... i dont know i should go to the small town or city for study i dont want spend too much money,but i dont want it will be so bored. btw,i know some of cc own a lot of student from hk,i dont know it is good or bad for me,i would like to choose homestay,i think that can train my english,and i am exchange student now,i also homestay,but i know i need pay for them when i study cc,,it is different compare with now,,,have someone know how much it cost? i hope the ppl who also study cc of usa can help me out!!
For college, the first two years should be fine, but you have to ensure your credit can be transfered to the university that you like to, especially each university has their strong majors. Studying in college for the first 2 years can save quite a lot of money. Small town is good for people who wants to focus to study and learn the western life. I don't recommend people to stay in the Chinese society. If it is the case, you'd better go home. However, you need Chinese to support somehow. Thus, keep all kind of friends from different countries. You will learn things from them, no matter they are Chinese or not. Home staying is good, if you have a good one. If a bad one, you may need to jump off. The other option is looking for a roommate to share an apartment. Learning English takes a long time, no matter who you are staying with. The most important thing is not to push yourself to the uncomfortable zone. If you like to stay with a Chinese roommate, why not?! You can still have some other friends in school. I also recommend people to take some part time job in school. I can tell you, learning speaking in work place is completely different. And, more fun! You need to do some browsing in the internet to get all those costs. Again, it depends on! By the way, if you like sunshine, don't pick Seattle....unless you are eager to have some fantasy in the Sleepless Seattle!
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