She told me she was a girl
I have a discussion with one of my friend about a english sentence should be correct or not. She wrote: "She told me that she was a girl" I asked her because the description of this sentence is too short. I asked her what is the original meaning of this sentence? 1) she wants to... 顯示更多 I have a discussion with one of my friend about a english sentence should be correct or not. She wrote: "She told me that she was a girl" I asked her because the description of this sentence is too short. I asked her what is the original meaning of this sentence? 1) she wants to tell you she is a girl 2) she wants to tell you she used to be a girl She said (1) I disagree with her, my answer should be "She told me she is a girl" Please tell who is right or wrong and why? Thanks
This sentence is a 轉述句, so your friend is correct in changing the tense to past tense. Situation one: She told you, "I am a girl". It becomes "She told me she was a girl." Situation two: She told you, "I was a girl". It becomes "She told me she had been a girl." 2009-10-24 01:37:43 補充: 轉述句: reported speech
您好,我推薦您一個非常不錯的英語學習網站,里面有很多非常不錯的學習資源,您能從中得到不少幫助: http://www.hkenglishstudy.info 祝您好運!|||||if my friend wants to tell me She is a girl currenty, don't you feel her sentence "She was a girl" is confused? making ppl think she was or she used to be a girl, but now she probably is a woman, becasue she said "She told me she was a girl" What do you think? Thanks!