




多少個星級數? 用星表示旅游涉外飯店的等級和類別,星級用五角星表示,用一顆五角星表示一星級,兩顆五角星表示二星級,三顆五角星表示三星級,四顆五角星表示四星級,五顆五角星表示五星級。旅游國外飯店劃分為五個星級,即一星級、二星級、三星級、四星級、五星級。星級越高,表示飯店檔次越高。本標准的標志按有關標志的標准執行。 法國:官方的評鑑採「星」為符號,從一顆星、兩顆星、三顆星、四顆星到豪華四星,沒有五星這一級,是因為旅館為了節稅,而自動降級。非官方以「米其林輪胎公司觀光部門」為依據,住宿以「洋房」為等級,餐飲則以「湯匙及叉子」為標幟 美國:(1)美國汽車協會(AAA)採用「鑽石」為標幟,從一顆鑽、兩顆鑽、三顆鑽、四顆鑽到五顆鑽。(2)汽車旅遊指南--五星:全國最好的之一;四星:出色的、值得一遊;三星:特佳的;兩星:非常好;一星:好 英國:英國汽車協會(AAGB),住宿以「星星」為標幟,從一顆星、兩顆星、三顆星、四顆星到五顆星,餐飲則以「薔薇」為標幟 台灣:國際觀光旅館分為五朵梅花級和四朵梅花級,一般觀光旅館為三朵梅花級和二朵梅花級 準則是誰定的? 由各國家旅游行政管理部門製定的 由誰評審? 分成三種類型 1由各國政府或政府委託的單位評鑑:例如台灣是由觀光局來執行評鑑工作,中國大陸、義大利、韓國也是 2由旅館業相關組織評鑑:例如美國汽車協會(AAA) 3.由旅客、旅行業或旅遊相關雜誌所進行評鑑 世界各地酒店的星級數是根據甚麼準則評定的? 以五個星級來劃分旅遊飯店的依據有如下五項︰ 1飯店的建築、裝橫、設備、設施條件; 2飯店的設備設施的維修保養狀況; 3飯店的管理水準; 4飯店的服務質量; 5飯店的服務項目。 酒店是否一定要做評審? 開業一年以上的酒店可自願選擇做評審與否(包括賓館、旅館、度假村)都可以申請接受評審





英文維基百科全書對酒店的星級及分級有以下解釋: Stars are often used as symbols for classification purposes. They are a common means of ranking things by reviewers such as movies, TV shows, restaurants, and hotels. For example, a set of one to five stars is commonly employed to categorize hotels. A "five star hotel" However, regardless of what public or private agency performs the classification, the term five star hotel is always associated with the ultimate luxury (and, by implication, expense). The lack of standardisation has allowed marketing-driven inflation, with some hotels claiming six stars; at one point the Burj al-Arab marketed itself as "the world's first seven-star hotel". Well-established prestige hotels are usually content to claim the traditional five. General meaning of hotel rating by stars The five categories can be described (loosely) as follows: * (one star) — low budget hotel; inexpensive; may not have maid service or room service. ** (two stars) — budget hotel; slightly more expensive; usually has maid service daily. *** (three stars) — middle class hotel; moderately priced; has daily maid service, room service, and may have dry-cleaning, Internet access. **** (four stars) — first class hotel; mostly expensive (by middle-class standards); has all of the previously mentioned services; has many semi "luxury" services (for example: massages or a health spa). ***** (five stars) — luxury hotel; high price ; numerous extras to enhance the quality of the client's stay such as a private golf course or air strip. The AAA and their affiliated bodies use diamonds instead of stars to express hotel and restaurant ratings levels. Traditional systems rest heavily on the facilities provided, which is often disadvantageous to smaller hotels whose quality of accommodation could fall into one class but the lack of an item such as an elevator would prevent it from reaching a higher categorization. Six star ratings While "six star" rating systems are known in rating the energy efficiency or water efficiency of electrical appliances, and in some fields of construction and engineering, some members of the hospitality industry have been known to claim a "six star" rating for their operation. One example is the Crown Macau casino, on Taipa Island in the Chinese territory of Macau. Another is the St. Regis Shanghai Hotel in China. The Palazzo Versace on the Gold Coast in Australia is described by Australian Traveller magazine as meriting "six star" rating though that level of rating is not used in Australia.|||||酒店的星級是除了根據酒店的服務外,還要睇下其酒店的設施,房間數量、大小、類別,床上的枕頭數量,是否有餐廳商店,是否有泳池及大小...等。 國際酒店的評級最高為五星,而有些酒店標榜自己為六星七星,是表達其酒店之水準超過或遠超過國際五星的標準,目的是吸引客人去選擇。 國內有計多都話自己係五星級酒店,其實都係國內所定的評級標準,一般比起國際評級低一至兩級。 日本有許多靚的酒店,服務又好,但係都係取不到國際五星的評級,原因係房間比較細,亦由於經常有地震關係,酒店亦不會太高,最重要係一個標準泳池都欠缺。但隨著科技進步,一些防地震的建築已做得很多,所以依家日本都多左好多國際五星級的酒店了。

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