我有d關於present perfect tense 的問題問問大家 我在今天早上十點開始跑步直至十點二十分,係十點二十分零一秒無跑步,咁我在十點零三秒可唔可以用"I ran from 10:00am to 10:20am today."黎描述十點零三秒。
present perfect tense 的用法: S + has / have +V-pp + for + 一段時間 S + has / have + V-pp + since + 一段時間 + ago S + has / have + V-pp + since + 過去某時 S + has / have + V-pp + since + S + V-pt It is (has been) + 一段時間 + since + S + V-pt 2014-01-10 13:28:47 補充: 所以應寫成In the morning , I have ran from 10: 00am to 10:20am today
用 '' I have run from 10:00a.m. to 10:20a.m. todday.'' 比較好。|||||S + has / have + V-pp + since + 一段時間 + ago He has played the violin since five years ago. ~ 錯 這個句子格式是錯 應該是: He has played the violin for five years. He has played the violin since 2009. He started playing the violin five years ago. 2014-01-11 03:56:03 補充: To 回答者:TOMING88 You wrote down 10:23 That is 十點二十三分, (twenty-three minutes past ten) Nowhere did the 發問者 mention anything about 十點二十三分 十點二十分 = 10:20 十點二十分零一秒 = 10:20:01 十點零三秒 = 10:00:03|||||The Present Perfect Tense is made by using the Present Tense of the verb to have and a past participle.eg:-run. The Present Perfect Tense is used for an action just concluded when the resulting state is still present,eg:- I have run from 10:00 am to 10:20 am today. The Present Perfect Tense ,though it indicates an action that took place in the past, is associated with the" present "idea of NOW Since you are using 10:23 for (10:23-10:20=00:03)=NOW Hence ten-twenty-three can be used to describe Present Perfect Tense ,as it is=NOW|||||如果present perfect tense應該是 "have run"。|||||文法上Okay~但係如果你想講十點零三秒,就應該用10:20.03am 不只係10:20am