做緊com sec ge 朋友~~請幫手~~
本人是讀緊 associate degree account ge~~~我黎緊就畢業了~~想半工讀, 讀番個 degree~~但是ng 想再行 account ge 路~~想第時做 com sec 呢一行~~但 ng 知讀咩科先好~~ 聽人講~~com sec 要識 law, 識 account ge 野~~~又要英文好~~gum 其實我應該choose 咩 degree 讀先有利於第時發展呢~~ 請各位做緊 com sec (無論是law firm/ acc firm 定 list company 的 com sec) 的朋友俾d 意見, 謝~!!!!!!! 更新: gum 有冇話讀咩科出黎會好d~~exempt 多d papers gum 呢?? pansy, 介ng 介意話我知你係點入行~~咩 degree / professional?~~
做 com sec 要先 pass 其專業學會 Chartered Institute of Companies Secretaries 特許秘書公會o既試,佢地依加抬高o左門檻,你無學位或以上學歷或專業資格,就除非有﹕ (1) Institute of Business Administration and Management (IBAM)- Advance Diploma in Business Administration; (2) Caritas Francis Hsu College - Higher Diploma in Corporate Management; (3) Institute of Administrative Management (IAM) - Advanced Diploma in Administrative Management 如果唔o係佢地好軍真,連考試都唔俾你登記去考! 2007-03-15 20:16:14 補充: 回覆你的補充問題﹕請參看HKICS網頁有關 " Collaborative Courses " -http://www.hkics.org.hk/index.php?_function=Studentship&_subFunction=Collaborative 2007-03-15 20:18:42 補充: CityU 的 BBABM 可 exempt 兩科﹕http://www.hkics.org.hk/index.php?_function=Studentship&_subFunction=Collaborative 2007-03-15 20:19:41 補充: 再唔o係取得之前所述學歷,自行報考;可選自修,HKU SPACE / HK POLYU SPEED 亦有預試課程 -http://www.hkics.org.hk/index.php?_function=Studentship&_subFunction=Examinationshttp://www.hkics.org.hk/Pdfs/HKICS_TT_%20Sping_07.pdfhttp://www.speed.polyu.edu.hk/search.asp (查HKICS) 2007-03-15 20:19:58 補充: 不過記住確定學會俾你報考,才好參加課程,因為聽講某教育機構唔理你死活,只會收錢;俾o左學費考唔度試就白吃虧!